Contraceptive Financial Stability

Consistent and reliable financing is needed to procure contraceptives to ensure they are available when and where needed by health programs and clients. Countries are faced with limited resources and continuing demand for contraceptives. A number of different options can be considered to diversify and increase the sustainability of contraceptive financing.

Approvisionnement, Planification & Budgétisation

  • Sous-catégories Santé reproductive
  • Commodities Produits de santé reproductive
  • Date de mise à jour 2011
  • Version
  • Développé par USAID | DELIVER PROJECT
  • Quand l'utiliser Consistent and reliable financing is needed to procure contraceptives to ensure they are available when and where needed by health programs and clients. Countries are faced with limited resources and continuing demand for contraceptives. A number of different options can be considered to diversify and increase the sustainability of contraceptive financing.
  • Langues Anglais
  • Niveau d'utilisation Central, Régional
  • Forme PDF
  • Amount of training / TA required
  • Inputs & outputs
  • Coût Free
  • Advantages
  • Contraintes
  • Disponibilité PDF Only
  • Remarques
  • Downloadable files ContFinaSustPrim.pdf
  • Contact
  • Submission date 2014-09-25 02:00:00